Need New Wavelengths Fast?

Fulfill your optical transport needs rapidly and economically with Ribbon

Are your existing vendors unable to meet your needs for new coherent optical transport links, perhaps due to challenges with specifications, supply, or even acceptable economics? Don't worry, Ribbon is here to help!

Ribbon has dozens of field-proven alien wavelength deployments worldwide over other vendors' optical line systems (OLS). Download our brief (no email required) to learn more about Apollo alien wavelengths for all applications.

Ribbon is Ready Now!

Our solutions cover high performance for maximum reach, metro optimized for cost efficiency, and multiservice with optional layer 1 encryption.

All alien wavelength solutions can be packaged in compact 2RU platforms with -48VDC or AC power, and are controllable via an EMS or through standard OpenConfig interfaces. Larger platforms are also available for high-volume alien wavelength deployments.

  • Proven Operation over Multiple OLS
  • Tens to Thousands of Kilometers
  • Compact 2RU Packages
  • OpenConfig or EMS Control

You May Not Know Our Brand, But You Know Us

Our heritage precedes us, but it does not define us — rather it guides us to develop reliable network solutions and to continually innovate.

The Ribbon family has grown over the years bringing together the best talent in our industry. Our team’s innovative drive and deep engagement is vital to your success -- and ours.

Learn more about Ribbon
