How Innovations In Technology Are Driving a Digital Transformation Across the Healthcare Industry and What You Need to Know to Keep Pace

The COVID-19 pandemic has made an impact on just about every aspect of our lives, from how we go to school to how we shop to how we work. We are living the “new normal,” where just about anything we do can be done virtually through a computer, tablet or phone. And that new virtual normal has definitely changed how we visit the doctor and manage our healthcare.

Since the pandemic began in early 2020, we have witnessed an extraordinary digital transformation taking place across the healthcare industry. Just a few short years ago, innovations like telehealth and remote patient monitoring were considered to be years away from implementation and broad acceptance, but ready or not, those innovations are here — and they are becoming an integral part of today’s patient care experience.

Digital Healthcare Helps Boost Patient Satisfaction

Telehealth’s accessibility to anyone anywhere at any time, even in the most remote areas, has given healthcare professionals and patients the opportunity to interact in a new, more convenient way.

Today, patients can talk to their doctor in the safety and comfort of their own home at their own convenience, eliminating the hassle of a long drive and time spent sitting in a waiting room. And even as the impact of the pandemic declines, the popularity of telehealth is staying strong. According to McKinsey and Company, telehealth utilization has increased 38X compared to pre-pandemic levels.

Telehealth is also receiving good marks when it comes to quality of care. A recent survey by the American Medical Association (AMA) reports that 80% of patient respondents feel they have better access to care with telehealth, and 60% feel they have higher satisfaction with their care as a result of using telehealth.

Providers are enjoying the benefits, too. With the help of telemedicine, doctors can work more efficiently, seeing more patients and even spending more quality face time with them during their visit. The AMA survey indicates 85% of physicians currently use telehealth, and 60% agree it has enabled them to provide high-quality care.

Other benefits of digital healthcare include the ability for providers to collaborate more efficiently across health teams, minimize patient re-admissions through virtual video follow-up appointments and remotely monitor patient health through home testing kits and wearable devices.

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Healthcare Providers Remain Focused on Innovation

Without a doubt, digital healthcare is here to stay, and healthcare organizations are realizing the opportunities for innovation are endless. Many hospitals and facilities are doing their best to play catch-up as they work to modernize their networks and learn new technologies — all while keeping these challenges and key areas of focus in mind:

Honing In on Cloud-Based Innovations
Compared to traditional premises-based technology, cloud-enabled offerings can significantly reduce capital expenditures and staffing levels. Why? Mainly because cloud-based solutions provide economies of scale that drive savings on hardware, power/HVAC and systems administration. As a result, many healthcare organizations are focusing on expanding and enhancing their cloud-enabled technologies to improve remote patient care. They are also incorporating emerging cloud-based innovations, such as at-home diagnostics, process automation and artificial intelligence.

Staying Compliant and Managing Risks
Healthcare organizations and hospitals need to manage potential risks associated with any new technology introduced across their system, including preventing potential cyberattacks and adhering to HIPAA regulations to ensure patient data remains secure.

Modernizing Networks and Maintaining Bandwidth and IT Support
Digital transformation and cloud-based services continue to reshape traffic flows, increase capacity demands and pose performance, security and service quality challenges across healthcare systems. It is crucial that healthcare organizations modernize their networks and equip themselves with the necessary bandwidth and IT support to facilitate the transmission of mountains of critical patient data for years, even decades, to come.

Continuing the Digital Transformation of Healthcare

So, how do healthcare organizations keep up with today’s rapid technological advancements? Partnering with a communications software and network solutions provider who understands their goals and the unique inner workings of their business is a great first step. Working with tech experts who have extensive experience in design, deployment and maintenance of complex IP and optical networks will be key to taking digital healthcare solutions to the next level.

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Ribbon: The Heartbeat of Communications in Healthcare

Ribbon offers carrier-grade, cloud enabled communications solutions that allow healthcare organizations to communicate securely with patients and patient care teams. Ribbon’s ‘Agnostic Core’ enables complex organizations to gracefully migrate from legacy technologies at their own pace, all while creating a unified dial plan independent of the call control platform. When it comes to Microsoft Teams, Ribbon has been a technology partner for nearly 15 years, earning Microsoft Gold Certified status. Ribbon’s Analytics portfolio offers institutions the ability to monitor threats more effectively based on machine learning and artificial intelligence. Healthcare organizations can leverage Ribbon solutions as building blocks as components to a healthcare organizations’ overall plan to ensure HIPAA compliance.
Agnostic Communications Core

Ribbon's industry-leading Session Border Controllers (SBC), the traffic cop for all communications traffic, resides in your network core (or public cloud) and provides seamless connectivity to any telecom provider, voice security to encrypt traffic, and media transcoding to ensure legacy voice systems can communicate with each other.


Our PSX policy and routing engine offers centralized dial plan and user management across any collection of call control platforms.

Ribbon Analytics is an enterprise-scale solution that leverages AI and Machine Learning to enrich network and service operations with enhanced visibility, efficient troubleshooting, and proactive monitoring. Ribbon Analytics also enriches voice security and voice threat prevention to stop fraud, robocalls, and Telephony Denial of Service (TDoS) attacks that can disrupt an organization’s services and negatively impact their customers.
Ribbon’s comprehensive IP and optical networking solution portfolio is ideal for next-generation healthcare networks. The product family meets stringent network capacity, performance and resiliency demands while minimizing operations expense and complexity. The unified solution portfolio includes Apollo optical systems, Neptune IP systems and Muse™ domain orchestration.
Next Gen Healthcare Network Diagram

Neptune IP Systems - At the forefront of next-generation IP transport technology with native 5G capabilities.

Apollo Optical Systems - Optical transport and switching platforms that  provide scalable, high-density, and energy-efficient solutions across metro, regional, and long haul topologies.

Muse™ Domain Orchestration - A modular suite of applications that create and turn up new services rapidly and ensure the network is optimized, available, and running at peak efficiency.

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