Voice Modernization Done Right: How Eastman Unified Their Global Workforce

Investors | Eastman Chemical Company

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Hear David Calloway, Principal Systems Analyst at Eastman Chemical Company, describe how they migrated to a global, cloud-based platform for voice communications and collaboration. You'll learn how Eastman addressed several roadblocks to the end state, including:

  • Multiple disparate systems that must be kept online until retired.
  • Work groups that have unique requirements.
  • Older generation analog connections that are cost-prohibitive to replace.
  • Recently acquired platforms that aren’t ready to be retired.

Plus, David will describe how Ribbon’s voice networking solutions enable Eastman to secure the voice network, manage the transition from existing calling platforms to the cloud, and monitor the network environment on an ongoing basis.

Watch the Webinar Replay


Who should watch this webinar?

  • IT leaders responsible for network security, threat prevention, or Unified Communications.

  • Business and administrative leaders facing voice network challenges.

Featured Presenters

David Calloway

David Calloway

Principal Systems Analyst



Brian Ferguson

Brian Ferguson

Enterprise Sales Director

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